Having been raised "in the truth" I can say that Ray's book is far more honest (with sources cited) than Watchtower literature. Furthermore, I was aware of many situations that Ray's book made more clear. Reading what was happening on the other side made the confusion behind certain doctrines (such as alternative military service, and various flip-flops) show that foolish human reasoning (not God's spirit) was directing the Governing Body.
Ultimate Reality
JoinedPosts by Ultimate Reality
by whereami inthis person continues to try to discredit ray franz.
for a person that is not a jw he really does not give up.. .
New DPA and Medical Directive for Witnesses that have moved on...
by Ultimate Reality inin order express my current wishes i am preparing a new dpa and medical directive to replace what i have signed from the organization in the past.
however, if family have an issue with my stand should i be incapacitated, i am including a preamble with the dpa so that the reasons for my wishes are clear.
i welcome comments, adjustments, or ideas.
Ultimate Reality
This would be attached to standard legal forms drawn according to the laws of my state of residence. Since there could be numerous family members that would take issue, the preamble would explain my reasoning. They may still have an issue, but this would explain the situation and silence some individuals. Since the Society's DPA also has a preamble of sorts, explaining the "scriptural reasons" for the no-blood stand, I feel the need to refute this especially since I have signed my name to this concept in the past. The actual agents are aware and in agreement with my stand.
New DPA and Medical Directive for Witnesses that have moved on...
by Ultimate Reality inin order express my current wishes i am preparing a new dpa and medical directive to replace what i have signed from the organization in the past.
however, if family have an issue with my stand should i be incapacitated, i am including a preamble with the dpa so that the reasons for my wishes are clear.
i welcome comments, adjustments, or ideas.
Ultimate Reality
In order express my current wishes I am preparing a new DPA and Medical Directive to replace what I have signed from the Organization in the past. However, if family have an issue with my stand should I be incapacitated, I am including a Preamble with the DPA so that the reasons for my wishes are clear. I welcome comments, adjustments, or ideas. My goal is to firmly inform -- not to attack or force my conscience on others.
This document supersedes any and all previous related documents and medical directives I have executed.
Being raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and baptized at the minor age of ___ years in the State of ________ , USA, part of the baptism vows require recognition that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (and its related legal entities) is God’s spirit-directed organization. As such, the Watchtower Society claims to be God’s sole channel of communication and the visible part of God’s organization on earth with its Governing Body as the head of the visible organization.
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses forms various policies under their claimed authority as God’s channel. It is claimed that exclusive authority to create Theocratic Law was conferred upon them at their appointment over all Christ’s belongings, by Jesus Christ himself, in the year 1918. Compliance with all directives and teachings of the organization is compulsory under penalty of disfellowshipping (ex-communication).
One of the organizational directives has included a ban on blood transfusions based largely on Acts 15:29. The Bible does give special recognition to blood and its relation to life. However, upon further investigation it is clear that the organization has shifted it policies in a confusing and conflicting array over many decades.
The origin of the Watchtower doctrine appears to come the concept that blood is sacred and the contamination of sacred human blood was the cause of God’s judgment by means of the Flood of Noah’s day. According to the The Golden Age magazine of February 4, 1931 (published by The Watchtower Society) page 295--
At the time the above article was written, a case was not being made against blood transfusion or the use of blood products. Instead, the article was written to further a ban on vaccination. Later, vaccination became a “conscience matter” and blood transfusions were banned. Over the years, the blood policy has both evolved and devolved with acceptability of various blood fractions becoming “conscience matters”.
It is unreasonable to conclude that the symbol of life (blood) would have more value than the reality (the living person). This is especially so when no life has been given for the blood. Furthermore, Jesus repeatedly “broke” the Mosaic Law in order to do fine works. David and his men broke the Law and ate the showbread. If life is at stake, law is suspended. Today, we are no longer under law, but under the Law of the Christ.
Finally, the meeting and resulting letter recorded at Acts chapter 15 arose out of the need to settle disputes between Jewish and Gentile Christians. This meeting was initiated by the Antioch congregation and not by a ruling council in Jerusalem. The comments about blood applied to Gentile Christians so as not to offend the sensitive consciences of Jewish Christians who, for generations, had strictly observed dietary restrictions under the Mosaic Law. Even though they no longer had to observe such laws, many evidently chose to and their consciences were to be respected.
In the minutes from that meeting James said at Acts 15: 19-21 (NAS)-
“Therefore it is my judgment that we do not trouble those who are turning to God from among the Gentiles, but that we write to them that they abstain from things contaminated by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood. “For Moses from ancient generations has in every city those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogues every Sabbath.” In light of the above statement, the Watchtower Society’s interpretation on blood does not apply in any modern context as a law for Christians. This view is supported by most biblical scholars, including the Watchtower founder, Charles T. Russell:
After considering the scriptural evidence and the history and reasoning of the Watchtower Society’s arguments about blood, I choose to exercise my human right and fulfill my Christian obligation by using my own conscience in this matter.
Accordingly, my executed Durable Power of Attorney and Advance Medical Directive follows:
1931 Golden Age scan request
by Ultimate Reality in"vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that god made with noah after the flood.
"-- golden age 1931 february 4 p.293.
i have search this site, the usual spots on the internet, and cannot find a scanned copy of the article from which the above quote is taken.. .
Ultimate Reality
Leolaia, thank you for your help!
This identifies the origin of the Watchtower "sacredness of blood" doctrine -- a doctrine that must be adhered to at the expense of the very life it symbolizes.
It also identifies the commands given to Noah and how the Golden Age uses "creative thinking" to make application beyond God's direction. This same line of thought it used today to show how before, during, and after the Mosaic Law this all important command was still in operation and applies today according to the Watchtower's shifting opinion. -
1931 Golden Age scan request
by Ultimate Reality in"vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that god made with noah after the flood.
"-- golden age 1931 february 4 p.293.
i have search this site, the usual spots on the internet, and cannot find a scanned copy of the article from which the above quote is taken.. .
Ultimate Reality
"Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood."-- Golden Age 1931 February 4 p.293
I have search this site, the usual spots on the internet, and cannot find a scanned copy of the article from which the above quote is taken.
This is a vital issue when it comes to the development of the blood doctrine. And I may need to show this to a friend that has a blood disease.
I really would like to see the whole article to read what the reasoning was behind their application and compare this with the later reasoning on banning transfusions.
THANK YOU to anyone that can help in uploading a scan! -
How do the JWS interpret and view Matthew 16: 28 or Mark 9 : 1 ?
by Homerovah the Almighty inmatthew 16:28 verily i say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom.
mark 9:1 and he said unto them, verily i say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of god come with power.
Ultimate Reality
As with many cases of Watchtower and Church teachings, we would have to assume that Jesus was speaking in riddles most of the time with the apostles.
Take the scriptures you listed and compare that with what the Apostle Paul told the Thessalonians in his 1st Letter, Chapter 4 (New American Standard):
If this is interpreted any other way, it means that they all had a false hope and the Apostles were not inspired in their writings. -
What convinced you?
by heybaby inas far as doctrine goes, what finally convinced you that this isn't the truth?
Ultimate Reality
After hearing about the 587 BCE date at a museum, I decided to understand why "we" say 607 BCE for Jerusalem's destruction.
Using only the Bible and "Insight" volumes it became clear that the 607 date was unfounded. At that moment, I knew the organization had no authority. Only after that did I search out other sources of information only to see how many others had "discovered" the same thing. -
They "Keep Following the Lamb" - February Study Article (Praise for the GB)
by Ultimate Reality inthe article is not yet in print, however on jw.org you will find the audio recording for the february 15, 2009 study edition.. this article sums up some of the talks given over the past year or so.
it makes clear that we should trust the faithful and discreet slave because jehovah and jesus trust the "slave".
the slave has been faithfully providing spiritual food for 130 years.
Ultimate Reality
Dates are a major problem for them.
The internal harmony of the scriptures and secular evidence (including certain statements in WT publications) clearly show that their 607 BCE date for the destruction of the temple is bogus.
Everything hangs on that date. Even if you can make the leap of logic on stringing together scriptures to say that the Gentile Times are 2520 years, if 607 is wrong then there is no 1914 and no 1918/19. If those dates fall, then that means they were not appointed by Christ and THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY.
When Witnesses see that the "Governing Body" has no authority, then their fear evaporates.
They "Keep Following the Lamb" - February Study Article (Praise for the GB)
by Ultimate Reality inthe article is not yet in print, however on jw.org you will find the audio recording for the february 15, 2009 study edition.. this article sums up some of the talks given over the past year or so.
it makes clear that we should trust the faithful and discreet slave because jehovah and jesus trust the "slave".
the slave has been faithfully providing spiritual food for 130 years.
Ultimate Reality
Some concluding highlights from this article:
As individual Christians, how do we view the timely spiritual food that the faithful slave dispenses by means of bible-based publications and through Christian gatherings? Do we gratefully partake of it and readily apply what we learn? What is our response to organizational decisions made by the slave? Our willing obedience to the direction provided gives evidence of our faith in Jehovah’s arrangement.
My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. -- John 10:27. That is true of the anointed Christians. What about those who go with them? Such ones must listen to Jesus; they must also listen to his brothers. After all, the chief responsibly for caring for the spiritual welfare of god’s people has been entrusted to them. What does listening to the voice of Christ’s brother’s involve?
…listening to the slave class means giving our full cooperation to its Governing Body. Those who listen to the slave are blessed.
By all means then, let us listen to the Christ and his trustworthy spirit anointed brothers. -
They "Keep Following the Lamb" - February Study Article (Praise for the GB)
by Ultimate Reality inthe article is not yet in print, however on jw.org you will find the audio recording for the february 15, 2009 study edition.. this article sums up some of the talks given over the past year or so.
it makes clear that we should trust the faithful and discreet slave because jehovah and jesus trust the "slave".
the slave has been faithfully providing spiritual food for 130 years.
Ultimate Reality
Thank you for posting the link to your excellent review.
We'll have to wait for a print copy to "tear apart" their arguments. However, what sticks out to me the most with these new study articles is that a scriptural reason (twisted or not) is no longer provided or really needed.
When the latest Generation change was made, one brother commented at the WT study that "it may not make sense, but we just have to accept it becase they [the GB] are the ones that have God's spirit."
Everyone has been dumbed down to the point where complex circular reasoning and weaving of scriptural fragments is no longer required to establish their point.
Just trust whatever we say. If you don't, that means you don't trust God because God trusts us. He trusts us because we say so, and that is the evidence that you should trust whatever we say.
And the congregation follows...